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How the Welsh Curriculum Reform looks at Riverbank School?


The pupils at Riverbank School currently receive a bespoke and individualised curriculum based on their individual needs and barriers to learning. This will look different in each class depending on a combination of current attainment levels, additional learning needs and communication barriers.


Each class teacher bases their termly planning around a topic focus, which can be seen below. From here, the teacher will look at the individual learning needs of the pupils within their class and plan accordingly. Topics are devised by a strong and experienced teaching body within Riverbank School who work together in order to ensure we are delivering a broad and balanced and most importantly inclusive curriculum for each and every pupil, focusing heavily on equality and equity. Topics take in to account key dates, religious festivals and promote a sense of Welsh identity whilst welcoming and celebrating the vast array of cultures we have here at Riverbank School.


Timetables may look very different between classes as we move further in to the new curriculum reform, with equal weighting being placed on each of the 6 areas of learning and expertise; Languages, Literacy and Communication, Maths and Numeracy, Science and Technology, Expressive Arts, Humanities and Health and Wellbeing. Topic and session length may also vary between classes depending on age and ability, in order to allow for breadth and depth of learning when appropriate. Currently, the Digital Competency Framework and Literacy and Numeracy Framework run alongside the curriculum and provide opportunities for cross curricular learning. 


Being part of the Western Learning Federation has allowed us to share ideas, knowledge, skills and resources across the 3 sites. This in turn has allowed us to experience new perspectives and share best practise in order to make strong progress within the new curriculum reform. We aim to plan for progression throughout the schools to ensure equal access and opportunities for all pupils. Above everything else, we aspire to deliver an ever-evolving and adapting curriculum which will reduce barriers to learning and deepen engagement levels. 



The 6 Areas of Learning and Expertise:

At Riverbank, we work on a two year context planner- below is the document we use to plan lessons and activities, taking into account many different factors. We are currently on Cycle 2, Autumn 2- Festivals and Celebrations.